“Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.”
- Rumi
It was 2010, and I was working in corporate finance. I remember looking down at my newborn daughter, thinking, “Where is the meaning in my life? What am I really here to do? What kind of life do I want to model for this new tiny one?”
I had no idea what the answers to those questions were, and I descended into a 2-year dark night of the soul. But from the midst of the darkness, I followed the golden threads. I read every spiritual book I could get my hands on, and began a shamanic journeying practice.
Every time I journeyed, my White Horse guide would bring me through a pine forest to the base of a snow-capped mountain, with scraggly bushes and water nearby. After 30 or 40 journeys, I asked, “What is happening? What are you trying to tell me?” I finally heard a voice. “You must go to New Mexico.” Despite a terrible fear of flying and not wanting to leave my young kids, I went anyway.
Imagine my astonishment when, on a hike through Taos, I found myself in the exact spot that I’d seen in my shamanic journeys - the pine forest behind me – the snow-capped mountain before me – and scraggly bushes and water nearby. Everything became crystal clear.
I now had a real, lived experience that proved to me MAGIC IS REAL.
My logical, Virgo, finance-and-spreadsheets oriented mind could relax with this Proof of Magic firmly in place. A mountain had spoken to me, through my shamanic journeys from my house in Maryland, and called me to Taos. And that was just the beginning.
I was able to move forward in completely new ways after I returned home from Taos. I started my business, Sacred Planet, and launched all kinds of projects, global summits, programs, travels, plant medicine journeys, and so on. There have been many challenges and breakthroughs along the way, but what stands out are the pinnacle experiences where pure MAGIC and MIRACLES have been revealed to me in technicolor and majesty, beyond my wildest imagination.
The Same Kind of Miracles Are Fully Available to You, too!
This is How the Universe Actually Works ~ Through Magic and Synchronicity ~ And We Are Protected and Guided At Every Single Step.

This is how I have lived ever since – SEEKING THE MAGIC!
I follow GOLDEN THREADS & SACRED INSTRUCTIONS sent to me from the liminal realms.
I say yes to these wild SOUL ASSIGNMENTS again & again.
And every time, the most unexpected MIRACLES & PORTALS open up in my life.
I can take risks and jump off (figurative) cliffs because I know that we are held. I know that we are protected and guarded and guided at every moment. By forces much more powerful and eternal than we can possibly comprehend. And that we also hold the most powerful forces of nature within ourselves. Our magic is infinite, because the magic of all creation is infinite, and we are magnificently interwoven.
Are YOU ready to break free?
To shed your burdens, release your doubt, and open into the light?
To finally FEEL yourself as the potent and vibrant being that you’ve known in your heart you’re meant to be?
The moment that you surrender & say YES to your Sacred Instructions – Is the moment that everything begins to change in your life – For the highest good for you, and for our beautiful Sacred Planet.
This is the Shamanic path, the Alchemical journey, and I am here to support you every step of the way 💖 💖 💖
the vision that guides me
In a sweat lodge ceremony in 2017, I was given a vision that has guided my life ever since.
My guide, Buffalo, flew me through the center of the Pleiades star cluster. On the other side of the Pleiades, we landed on Earth - whole, healthy, and perfect. She was in her state of Original Beauty. My guide told me: “This is the true state of Mother Earth. She has never been harmed or mistreated.”
As I looked around, I saw that people of every color and language were living in joy and harmony, in true indigenous relationship with the land. The rivers and streams ran clear and clean; the tops of the mountains were covered with plants and trees; the forests were all intact; the birds and animals were plentiful; and all beings were radiant with life force.
The overarching message from this vision was: “This whole & perfect version of the Earth is the true version. It is only through humans’ distorted perception that anything else appears to exist. When enough humans return to their innate truth, power, and magic, you will live on this healthy Earth once again. For your shared perception creates your shared reality.”
And so, I am a VOICE for the EARTH, a VOICE for LIFE ITSELF.
Our children and grandchilden and the next 7 generations of all species are calling upon us now to change our ways, to demolish & release the old structures and patterns that are not working, and to rise up into our power to build a completely new and revolutionary reality. We do this by remembering and reawakening WHO WE TRULY ARE and all of the power and magic that we hold within.
My greatest dream and heartfelt intention is for my children and grandchildren to get to live in a world they will be overjoyed to inherit – With clean rivers and oceans, with luscious forests covering the land, with the radiant health of birds and trees and mountains shining all around us.

Jocelyn Star Feather is a Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Sacred Site Tour Facilitator, Astrologer, & Founder of Sacred Planet.
She shares shamanic and ancient wisdom to guide courageous seekers in co-creating a revolutionary new world in alignment with Mother Earth and the vast intelligence of the Cosmos.
After a successful 15-year corporate career working in finance for major multinational companies, Jocelyn was thrust into a deep spiritual awakening. It was that awakening which turned her life upside-down ... And from which she emerged with a powerful understanding of how to use her intuition and healing abilities ~ Aspects of herself that she'd never had access to before.
She dove deeply into earth-based & shamanic practices, and she has studied alongside elders and wisdomkeepers ever since. She has extensively studied ancient civilizations, especially cultures where the Goddess held a strong presence; and she has spent profound & life-changing time in the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt, where she now leads annual spiritual tours.
Jocelyn has studied astrology since 2015 and has developed her own unique craft of astrological readings, called Alchemical Astrology. These readings highlight the potentials for transformation and initiation, both in the natal chart as well as in upcoming transits, and seek ways to work with challenge & shadow in the birth chart in order to transmute & transcend it. In this way, we facilitate the individual's highest personal growth and evolution.
Through her Astrological Mystery School, Jocelyn guides healers, lightworkers, and visionaries in how to utilize Alchemical Astrology to discover their superpowers, activate their Cosmic Timelines, and work with ritual and astrological magic to supercharge their lives.
One of Jocelyn’s favorite ways to inspire & uplift the world is by sharing her time-tested Soulful Summit Creation System™ in which she guides entrepreneurs to create their first global conference or summit. This is a deeply transformational process in which the summit creator releases old beliefs and limitations, and reaches entirely new levels of personal power, confidence, and clarity about their mission & purpose. At the same time, they are able to share profound & life-changing wisdom with thousands of people around the world, amplifying the global awakening of consciousness.
Jocelyn blends alchemy, astrology, Hermeticism, ancient & indigenous wisdom, and a magical shamanic perspective to coach & guide visionary entrepreneurs, revolutionaries and change makers all around the world. Her mission is to help people break free from everything that has held them back, so they can joyfully offer their highest contribution to our collective future.
You can learn more about Jocelyn’s work on her website www.wearesacredplanet.com and her YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/sacredplanet.