Astrological Mystery School | Level 1
Unlock the Hidden Secrets of Your Birth Chart
And Activate Your Cosmic Timelines
Your astrological birth chart holds the hidden secrets of
WHO you truly are & WHAT you came here to do.
Would you like to discover the vital missing aspects of your power as a multidimensional leader, lightworker, changemaker, and visionary?
In almost every single one of us, our most profound & high-potential layers of power were hidden (or we became cut off from them) during our early childhood.
But YOU can re-discover and re-connect with this TRUE & DEEP POWER that you hold within.
It is already encoded beautifully in your astrological birth chart.
You can use your birth chart as a tool to decode and remember your true superpowers, which were given to you specifically so you can carry out your highest purpose & mission in this lifetime!
Once you bring your true & deep power into your conscious awareness, it can be worked with to re-activate, enliven, and bring it forward within yourself ...
Allowing you to take action in completely new ways never before available to you.
Astrologically, we are in a time of massive opportunity.
Alongside all of the challenges of our time, there are some magnificently positive transits coming up in 2023, 2024, and 2025.
There are certain timeframes in the next 3 years that are going to be MEGA opportunities – based on certain planets transiting particular places in people’s birth charts –
For each individual to completely shift their identity, launch a new business, welcome in huge amounts of abundance, and infinite other possibilities.
The type of opportunity depends on which planets & transits are hitting each person's chart in certain sectors.
Because we are in such a star portal of opportunity right now, and over the next 3 years...

I’m Gathering A Powerful Group Of Visionaries, Mystery Adventurers, healers & Changemakers to identify their Galactic Superpower, as written in the Cosmic Blueprint of their Birth Chart.
Your Galactic Superpower Is The Vital Missing Aspect Of Your Power As A Multidimensional Leader, Lightworker, And Speaker.
It is the highest-level, fully-activated, magnetic version of yourself.
Discovering your Galactic Superpower helps you build your soul purpose work into abundant alignment with your highest calling in this lifetime, AND with the massive opportunities happening from now through 2025.
I'm also guiding everyone in the group to unlock their personal Cosmic Timelines – The pivotal timeframes in 2023, 2024, and 2025 that are MEGA opportunities, specifically for YOU as an individual, to create abundance & success.
All this is revealed through your unique & one-of-a-kind birth chart, the map of the stars & planets at the exact moment you were born.


Unlock the Hidden Secrets of Your Birth Chart
this 5-CLASS JOURNEY will help you step into the Miracles, Synchronicities, and Revelations that happen when you align with The DIVINE PLAN for your life.
here’s how…
Class 1 ~ May 5, 2023 At 12 Noon New York Time
Uncover Your Galactic Superpowers; Remove Blocks that Keep Them Hidden
Why & how our Galactic Superpowers get hidden during early childhood — And how these old limiting patterns persist during adulthood
How to locate your Galactic Superpowers in your astrology chart! I will personally read several group members’ charts as examples for everyone to better understand where to find your Galactic Superpowers in your own chart!
I will give you the 4 keys to identifying precisely what YOUR Galactic Superpowers are and the deeper levels of meaning within them
I will guide you to release the conditioning that has kept you playing small; clear & heal limitations that were placed upon you by others; expand into the fullness of who you truly are, and what you are here to DO in this lifetime
I will guide you in a deeply healing Shamanic Journey to activate all of the releasing & clearing that is needed to fully open to your true & deep power
Class 2 ~ May 12, 2023 At 12PM New York Time
Activate Your Galactic Superpowers
The Alchemy & the Science of Identity Shift — Why changing your perception of who you are, is possible for YOU, right NOW
How to build your new life with your Superpowers as the foundation
How to connect to Source and draw down the energy of your highest version ~ Becoming who the universe designed you to be
How to build a successful, abundant business, community, or soul-purpose project that is 1111% aligned with your unique Galactic Superpowers
I’ll guide you in a powerful portal-opening Shamanic Journey & activation to crystallize & integrate your Galactic Superpowers on all levels of your being
Class 3 ~ May 19, 2023 At 12OM New York Time
A fun & exciting exploration to discover how the Cosmic Timelines of massive opportunity in 2023-2024-2025 interact with your own birth chart:
0 to 8 degrees Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra in your chart: MAGNIFICENT TRANSFORMATION ON YOUR PATH
Individual transits in which your own Sun, Moon, ASC, Midheaven, Mercury, Venus, or Jupiter come into contact with particular beneficial transiting planets
Venus & Jupiter conjunct the North Node: ABUNDANCE + THE FUTURE
Pluto moving into Aquarius: WHERE YOUR DEEP & TRUE POWER LIES
Eclipse points & Nodes from April 2023 to September 2025: MAJOR TRANSFORMATION POINTS IN YOUR LIFE
Begin drawing the map of your key action steps in the next 3 years based on the specific Timelines when YOUR INNATE POWER will be most activated
Class 4 ~ June 2, 2023 At 12 Noon New York Time
Activate Your Multidimensional Divine Plan: Your Pivotal & Sacred Role In the World
How to find your Multidimensional Divine Plan in your chart
Understanding the depths & nuances of your own sacred & unique Plan
Why astrology work so accurately, and how it powerfully informs your plan
Testing the Magic ~ Putting it into practical action: I will coach you around choosing and taking one single action in alignment with your Divine Plan, and you will record the proof of magic & synchronicities arriving unexpectedly into your life. (This part is where it becomes a truly incredible experience.)
Writing & speaking your Words of Power to activate your Plan
A Shamanic Journey through the Star Portals to begin building out the rest of your life, in magnificent alignment with your Multidimensional Divine Plan
Class 5 ~ June 9, 2023 At 12 Noon New York Time
Craft Your Actions for Success, Aligned With Your Original Plan from the Moment of Your Birth
I will guide you to craft your Three-Year Multidimensional Action Plan. It’ll be fun & creative! You’ll paint or draw a chart of your Cosmic Timelines, when YOUR INNATE POWER will be most activated
I’ll guide you to fill in the key action steps at the points where YOU specifically have the optimal opportunities opening up for success, abundance and joy
We’ll design your new, galactically-inspired ‘Elevator Speech’ — You’ll now be able to answer the question, “What do you do in your work, anyway?” with a gleam in your eye and confidence in your heart, knowing it’s fully aligned with your astrological blueprint.
A Shamanic Journey into the multidimensions where your guides will send you love, visionary images of your future, and confirmation that you have stepped into alignment with your highest path in this lifetime.

‘Unlock the Hidden Secrets of Your Birth Chart’ includes:
Within 3 to 5 business days after you register, I’ll send you your beautiful birth chart in PDF format, Your chart will include the key points that indicate your Galactic Superpowers and Multidimensional Divine Plan, as well as all of the key planets and asteroids that will inform our journey together — and your revelatory learning experience.
During our 5 deeply transformational online classes you will go on shamanic journeys and receive coaching to fully step into who you are BECOMING, and build that revolutionized awareness of WHO YOU TRULY ARE, Take the coaching hot seat and get my laser guidance on EXACTLY WHAT TO FOCUS ON to launch your Soul Work. Breakthroughs, revelations, and miracles are coming your way.
I will guide you to create your Three-Year Multidimensional Action Plan, giving you crystal clarity on exactly what to build & when during 2023 – 2024 – 2025. You will emerge with a roadmap to create your New Life & Soul-Based Work that is stunningly aligned with your Sacred Purpose, as cosmically mapped at the moment of your Birth.
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Here are the spectacular results you can expect to receive through this experience:
Learn how to use Astrology and your Birth Chart to unlock the highest-level, fully-activated, magnetic version of yourself.
Learn how to read your chart at a different level than ever before, even if you are a practiced astrologer — to understand the Galactic Superpowers and Multidimensional Divine Plan hidden in your chart.
Learn key aspects of my systematized Alchemical Astrology Reading process (which I haven’t shared with anyone before this!), in which your most massive opportunities and true & deep power will be revealed.
Remember what the ancient peoples knew about the vital role & responsibility we each hold through our Sacred Purpose — decoding & unlocking this life-affirming information — and activating it in profound alignment with the Great Cosmos Above & Great Mother Earth Below.
Shift your identity and your perception of WHO you are and WHAT you were born to do into high & vast alignment with the vital missing piece of your power as a multidimensional leader, lightworker, and speaker.
Feel super calm, confident, and in your power because now you can define & connect with the source of DEEP INNER POTENCY in your life — your Galactic Superpowers — your highest frequency gifts.
Come into full alignment with the Multidimensional Divine Plan for your life, which opens the channels for the universe to send you everything it’s been TRYING to send you all along
Finally remove the blocks, fears, and resistance that have been holding you back as you step into WHO you truly are
Learn how to make the most of the rapid shifts and cosmic upleveling which are becoming readily available to us at this time
Learn the pivotal timeframes in 2023, 2024, and 2025 that are MEGA opportunities for YOU, specifically, to create abundance — and receive powerful coaching from Jocelyn on how to take decisive action, during those timeframes, that will revolutionize your Soul Work
Enter into a flow with the universe where you have plenty of ideas & inspiration about what to create next and you're finally able to move forward with powerful action steps.
Wake up every morning feeling joyful & passionate about your work, because you understand at a very deep, resonant level WHO you are meant to be and WHAT you came here to do, and you are CLEAR on precisely when to take action on it based on your Cosmic Timelines.
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