A Journey Into the Sacred Art, Symbols, and Writing of Ancient Egypt & Magical Crete:

Celebrating The Goddesses Who Carry The Energy Of Original Creation


In order to heal our world today, we must return to the place of the beginning.

We must remember how we perceived reality long ago ... when we were closest to Source.

In the original times, we knew how to live in sacred, reciprocal relationship with both the Earth and the Heavens.

We held rituals and ceremony to honor & show our respect for the Earth, for the Cosmos, and for LIFE itself.

THIS is why we marvel today, at the creations of the people of 4,000 - 6,000 - 10,000 years ago.

“How did they create these temples … these pyramids … this artwork … these sacred writings … With so little technology? With so little understanding of the world around them?”

And when we say things like this, I’m sure the ancestors are chuckling quietly at us.

Because the truth is, the creations from 4,000 or 6,000 or 10,000 years ago or more –

Were created from a space of deep knowing, oneness, reverence, and sacredness that we can barely even imagine today.

But when we study the ancient art, writings, hieroglyphs, and temples ...

We can become infused with the wisdom & deep knowing from times long ago.

We can REMEMBER how it felt to live, breathe, and perceive during those ancient times.

That's exactly what this exciting FREE video workshop is all about —

A Journey Into the Sacred Art, Symbols, and Writing of Ancient Egypt and Magical Crete:
Celebrating the Goddesses Who Carry the Energy of Original Creation

A FREE Video Presentation

Enter Your Name & Email Address Below To Receive The FREE Workshop:

    In this heart-opening presentation, you will experience:

    • Why it's important to look back to the matriarchal Goddess cultures, as far back as the Neolithic and Paleolithic times, to discover the true power of humanity

    • Which imagery and archetypes were carried forward from Paleolithic times and kept alive in Egypt and Crete – and why it’s important for us TODAY to connect with these most ancient symbols

    • You'll be immersed in the energy of Ancient Egypt, with Cow-Mother Goddess Hathor; Sky Goddess Nut; and Queen Isis, Mother Goddess of Mystery & Magic

    • You'll be transported to the mystical island of Crete to learn about the Bee Goddesses (Melissae); the beauty of nature & ritual infused in Cretan art; and the mystical revelations of epiphany

    Then, in our Shamanic Journey:

    • You will embark on an adventure into the astral planes, from which all creation is possible

    • You will be guided to explore within and FEEL and experience this ancient power of the Goddess within YOU and flowing through your ancestral lineage

    • You will be connected with the Goddesses who were present with the Original Creation Energy of Zep Tepi, the Original Time

    • You will emerge from this potent activation feeling lit up by the Feminine Life Force, Shakti essence, and Goddess Power

    • You'll go back into your life ready to bring the ancient Goddess energy into everything you do 😊

    Let's journey into ancient Egypt and the island of Crete, for inspiration and to literally FILL OURSELVES UP with this most ancient Goddess energy.

    The art, symbols, and writings from ancient Egypt and Crete are exquisitely beautiful. They transport us to another place & time, where we'll remember how to see, perceive, and BELIEVE in the ways of being aligned with the Earth and the Heavens.

    I can’t wait to share this with you!

    Love & Blessings,

    Jocelyn Star Feather