Since the beginning of time, humans have turned to the birds and the stars …
To See Into the Future
To Remember Our Divine Nature
To Find the Power Places & Energy Vortices Upon the Land
To Remember Our Creation & Origin Stories
To Connect Heaven & Earth
To Remember Our Ability to Fly to the Celestial Realms
The birds and the stars hold important keys & codes.
They preserve the wisdom of old, And they are calling us back into remembrance …
reminding us how to build heaven upon earth …
Bringing us back into connection with exalted states of being & knowing.
As humanity today seems to struggle mightily with how to navigate these transitionary times …
The birds and stars are here to guide us back to truth, freedom, and light.
During the day, we can tune into the birds.
During the night, we can tune into the stars.
We are deeply supported and guided at every moment!
The signs, the pathways back home, are all around us - Hidden in plain sight!
The birds and the stars are key aspects of this guidance.
As reminders of our true divine nature, they continually call us back to who we truly are.

this will be a beautifully informative class in which you’ll learn about:
How the ancient & indigenous people understood & worked with the fixed stars and planets
Visual astrology: how to find the Fixed stars & planets in your nighttime sky, and access their light & wisdom
How to align your meditations, rituals, and ceremonies with the stars and planets for maximum effect
the power of birds, and how humans have connected with birds across the eons
How to access the knowing of the Great Goddess through your daily connections with the birds
bird goddesses, our guides in building heaven on earth
how to work with birds as oracular & divinatory beings
how to bring the beautiful consciousness of the birds into your daily rhythm of life
… and so much more!
in addition to these informative aspects of the course, it will also be a healing program that is specifically designed to calm your nervous system.
With the rapid change and unprecedented events occurring in our world at this time …
Our nervous systems can easily become overworked & overstressed.
This course will include a multitude of beautiful practices designed to:
🗝️ Calm & soothe your nervous system
🗝️ Instill peace in your heart
🗝️ Bring joy and pleasure into your life
in simple ways that you can do every day
by connecting your consciousness with the birds and stars!
When we gaze at a bird in flight, we can FEEL ourselves flying.
When we gaze at a bright nighttime star, we can FEEL that star’s multidimensional light infusing into our own light-filled aura.
The birds and the stars are telling us what the children already know & what the ancients always held sacred:
You are meant to fly.
Day to Day reality is only one version of the truth.
You are Made of Light.
You are meant to Transcend Your Earthly Limitations.
You are meant to build heaven on earth.
So let us fly into the starry, feathered realms with these beautiful guides ~ The birds and stars!

~ This Beautiful New Course Is Called ~
In Solidarity with the Flight of the Birds, In Communion with the Light of the Stars:
How to Bring the Heavenly Realms Into Your Daily Life
Guided by Jocelyn Star Feather
💫 This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace.
💫 You’ll learn beautiful practices to work with the birds and the stars and in a real, experiential way, bring the heavens into your daily life
💫 You’ll begin to see the world (both daytime, with the birds; and nighttime, with the stars) in a very new & inspiring way ~ For the codes & keys that lead us back to TRUTH are hidden right in front of our eyes!
💫 You’ll experience powerful shamanic journeys in each class, to shift your perspective & catalyze your evolutionary growth
💫 You’ll form connections and relationships with certain birds and certain stars in a way you might never have thought possible!
💫 We will look to the birds & stars for oracular & divinatory readings, as well as to determine the best times to hold rituals & ceremonies
💫 You’ll be part of our vibrant, visionary community of those who are done with the status quo and looking for the deeper meaning in daily life ~ Just as you are!
💫 I’ll weave in stories & teachings from Egypt, Crete, North America, and other ancient and indigenous cultures so you can learn how they worked with the birds & stars ~ And bring this awareness into your own life.
💫 And so much more!
💫 What we explore in the group will be continually evolving as all of us evolve, and together, we'll spiral up to higher & higher levels of possibilities as we go :)
Let the birds and stars light up the codes, keys, and pathways for you … Into the heavenly realms!
~ Our Inspiring Curriculum ~
Class One
Getting to KNow the Fixed Stars + The Magic of Birds Outside Your Window
How to bring your awareness of birds into your everyday life ~ Why is it that birds enchant us so much?
Imagining yourself as the bird you see ~ Noticing how you feel when you see a bird & feel its movements in your own body
Hummingbird, chickadee, eagle, vulture, heron – The different felt sense of each bird & what they are each communicating to us
What are the Fixed Stars? ~ Charts to look up the significant stars, their degrees, & their meaning
The stars that are easily visible, and how to find them in the sky
Explanation of seasonality of the stars, and the Northern / Southern Hemisphere viewpoints
Deeper dive with particularly powerful stars, their energetics & personality: Sirius, Canopus, Vega, Arcturus, the Pleiades, Regulus, Antares ✨
I will guide you in a powerful Shamanic Journey to fly with the birds and open the starry pathways for your new & expanded reality in connection with the Heavens above
The Resplendant Quetzal Bird
Class Two
The Immortal Stars to the North + How the Birds Help Us Fly to the Birthplace of the Gods
The significance of the Immortal Stars to the North, in Egyptian, Anatolian, and other ancient cosmologies ~ And how you can find & work with these stars in your nighttime sky
The importance of certain constellations & mythologies focused around the birds: Cygnus the Swan (with shaman star Deneb), Aquila the Eagle, Columba the Dove
Birds that hold magical powers: Resplendant Quetzal, Owl, Swallow, Phoenix / Bennu Bird
The role of birds in giving us wings to fly to the birthplace of the gods
An overview of the planets and how they appear visually in the nighttime sky
Mantras to call upon the energy of each planet
A profound Shamanic Journey to the Immortal Stars in which you’ll receive the Resurrection Rites and connect with your eternal, infinite nature
How the Ancients Worked with the Birds + How the Ancients worked with the Stars & Planets
Why are so many of the gods & goddesses pictured as birds, across many different cultures?
Birds as divinatory & oracular beings ~ They perform this role for us today, too!
How birds helped the ancient people find the power spots, where ley lines / star lines came together, and where the vortexes of energy were located
Before Hellenistic astrology, there were the Egyptian Decans: Stars were tracked in 10 degree segments of the sky. How did this ancient star charting system work, & how can it inform us today?
The Heliacal Rising Stars & why they held such importance for the ancient people
Working with the stars & planets at the Apex of the sky
A Shamanic Journey to ancient Egypt where you will learn more about how they charted the stars and divined the future
Class Four
Creating Your Own Individual Practices with the Birds, Stars, & Planets
Birds are so small, yet so confident ~ They must know something that we have forgotten! They must be absolutely certain of their divine nature
How to bring the confidence of a Chickadee or Carolina Wren into your own daily life
Continued deepening with our practices to look to the birds for messages, signs, and oracles ~ Noticing which bird(s) have shown up for you again & again throughout your life
Connecting with your primary bird guide
Stargazing, finding the star that calls to you ~ Seeing what transmissions or messages the star sends to you ~ Asking this star to come into your dreams & meditations
Choosing a planet to work with
Working with the Sun & Moon alongside a star or planet
A heart-opening Shamanic Journey to fly with your primary bird guide, to the star which speaks to you! They’ll reveal secrets of your inner nature, gifts, and talents that you never knew before.
Class Five
Bird Sunrise & Sunset Ceremonies + Connecting with the Stars & Planets to Determine the Timing of Rituals & Ceremonies
How to observe birds performing their Sunrise & Sunset Ceremonies
A beautiful practice to let the birds remind us of what we have forgotten
Aligning your rituals, practices, and ceremonies with the stars and planets
Choosing to work with a Heliacal Rising star or planet
Choosing to work with an Apex star or planet
How the days of the week each correspond to a planet
How to optimize your high-frequency energetics during star & planet conjunctions
Tapping into our intuition, dreams, and imagination … Because we always already know the perfect timing
A mystical Shamanic Journey in which it will be revealed to you how the top of every tree is connected to a star, and the roots of every tree are connected to specific ley lines … Making the trees our temples & cathedrals … As the birds have always known.
“Once upon a time, when women were birds,
There was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn
And to sing at dusk
Was to heal the world through joy.
The birds still remember what we have forgotten:
That the world is meant to be celebrated.”
~ Terry Tempest Williams

I’ll be your guide for this Journey 💖
I’m Jocelyn Star Feather …
A Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Astrologer, Channel, Intuitive, & Founder of Sacred Planet.
I share shamanic and ancient wisdom to guide courageous seekers in co-creating a revolutionary new world in alignment with Mother Earth and the vast intelligence of the Cosmos.
After a successful 15-year corporate career working in finance for major multinational companies, I was thrust into a deep spiritual awakening. It was that awakening which turned my life upside-down ... And from which I emerged with a powerful understanding of how to use my intuition and healing abilities ~ Aspects of myself that I’d never had access to before.
I dove deeply into earth-based & shamanic practices, and I have studied alongside elders and wisdomkeepers ever since. I have extensively studied ancient civilizations, especially cultures where the Goddess held a strong presence; and I have spent profound & life-changing time in the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt.
I blend alchemy, astrology, Hermeticism, ancient & indigenous wisdom, and a magical shamanic perspective to coach & guide visionary entrepreneurs, revolutionaries and change makers all around the world.
I have had a deep & heartfelt relationship with the birds and stars ever since my earliest days as a child. I have learned that the more we immerse ourselves in their light and fly with them, the more expanded & inspiring our own reality becomes.
In summary, my mission is to guide you in breaking free from everything that has held you back ~ So you can experience true power & liberation ~ In the way that is uniquely aligned for you.
Join Me For This Exciting Adventure…
In Solidarity with the Flight of the Birds, In Communion with the Light of the Stars:
How to Bring the Heavenly Realms Into Your Daily Life
This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace.
Regular Price: $555
In the spirit of Sacred Economics, registration has been re-opened on a donation basis until April 15th, 2025!
Click on the text below to register via donation and join the course:
If you have questions, please email the Sacred Planet team: hello@wearesacredplanet.com.
~ This is For You If ~
💫 You’ve been feeling weighed down by the world, and you’re ready to feel light and joyful once again!
💫 You’d love to learn more about how the birds are connected to the ancient Goddess cultures & why birds were looked to as oracular and divinatory beings.
💫 You are interested in astrology & astronomy, but you don’t want to get in over your head memorizing all the technical information about these topics. You’d rather learn how to look into the night sky, understand which stars & planets you are seeing, and work with them in practical & inspiring ways. OR maybe you are already proficient at astrology & astronomy, and you want to take your knowledge “off the page” and into real, visual, lived experience!
💫 You’re interested in the concept of “Creating Heaven on Earth” and would like to learn more about what that means & how we can actually do it.
💫 You’re interested in ancient cultures including the Paleolithic & Neolithic Goddess cultures; ancient Egypt, Greece, and Sumeria; Native American traditions; Mayan and pre-Incan cosmologies; and more ~ And you’d like to learn how the ancient & indigenous peoples understood & worked with the stars & planets.
💫 You have always been drawn to the stars and the birds, and you want to deepen your knowledge around why they hold such a special, powerful place in our psyche & in our hearts.