venturing into the great cosmic ocean:

Awakening the Starry Knowledge Within You


In a recent Dreamtime experience, I went outside and stared up at the stars in the early evening, looking toward the southeast. 

I was expecting to see the constellations that I knew ~ Scorpio, Sagittarius, and possibly Virgo and Libra. 

Instead, I did not see any of the constellations I knew should be there. 

It was a bit unsettling at first, but as I gazed longer at the sky, I realized that I could see so many more stars than usual! A phrase from a dream I had many years ago echoed through my mind: "We saw the stars the way they used to be seen."

What I beheld that evening was absolutely breathtaking. There were a huge number of stars lighting up the sky, far more than we can usually see with modern human eyes. 

And all of the stars were connected by filaments of light ~ the intricate, delicate weaving of the fabric of the universe. 

This is the architecture that we are all woven into, the vast web of life and light that is our Cosmos. The crystalline structure of the stars, planets, and dark matter out in space extends to the far reaches of the universe, and also includes all beings here on Earth. We are woven together in filaments of light with the trees, birds, mountains, lions, snakes, rivers, clouds, and clovers. Every blade of grass is a shining, sovereign individual expression of this infinite fabric. 

And you are, as well.

You are divine. You already carry all the wisdom of the sacred Earth and the infinite Cosmos. 

It's true, we are going through challenging times.

We are in the midst of upheaval, confusion, and paradox.

When we see paradoxes all around, it means we are surrounded by portals to other possibilities. This is most definitely the space we are in, today, on planet Earth.

We know in our hearts that this time of obstacles is opening us up to a whole new way of living, if we can just unlock the secrets and reach into the imaginal realms for the meaning behind all the mystery.

We can look to the stars, to the planets, to the myths & wisdom of the gods and goddesses of ancient times, for answers and guidance.

If you'd like to learn more about how to uncover this guidance from the Cosmos, I’m excited to share with you:

If you are looking for the deeper, etheric layers of meaning & truths hidden beneath our collective global challenges, you don’t want to miss this!

Awakening the Starry Knowledge Within You

A FREE Online Presentation & Shamanic Journeying Practice

Register below:

    This presentation will be a journey into magical consciousness, where we will bend time & space to reveal the mystical truths hidden in the Cosmic depths.

    You will learn:

    • The ancient tale of Argo Navis, the ship that travels upon the Great Cosmic Ocean; Andromeda the chained princess; and Cetus the Sea Monster, who dares us to leap into the mystery

    • How to use this mythical knowledge as wisdom to guide you to swim in the unknown, to navigate the Great Abyss with deep interconnection to the higher intelligence of the universe, as the ancients knew how to do (and as we are here to remember)

    • How to feel & live your freedom with courage and devotion, even when you feel chained

    • Why shamanic journeying is an extremely important meditative technique to utilize during times of paradox 

    • Why NOW is the time to leave behind logical ways of decision-making; how logic & rationality have led us down the wrong pathways in our collective human trajectory

    • How we can shift all of this by entering into the astral planes to retrieve the wisdom that has been hidden in our hearts & our DNA all along

    Simply Enter Your Name & Email Address Below To Register, And The Video Presentation Will Be Sent To You Immediately:

      Wishing you inspired travels upon the
      Great Cosmic Ocean,

      Jocelyn Star Feather